Venta y Reparación
Our Location

30609, La Algaida

Online Support

Free Contact

637 092 347

image Choose Package

Cheaf and global standard
price packages

Basic Price


$29.00/ Monthly

  • Air conditioner installing
  • Cooler dust cleaning
  • Test compressure heat
  • 24/7 supoort technician
Basic Price


$39.00/ Monthly

  • Air conditioner installing
  • Cooler dust cleaning
  • Test compressure heat
  • 24/7 supoort technician
Basic Price


$49.00/ Monthly

  • Air conditioner installing
  • Cooler dust cleaning
  • Test compressure heat
  • 24/7 supoort technician
image Technician Team

Our dedicated & expert
team member

Senior Technician

Margie Burman

Founder Of Pixa

Gorrien Hyrick

Support Engineer

Jonson Pierce

image Recent Ariticle

Every single update story
from our journal